Pioneering Progress: The Comprehensive World of CLIC’s Research
Spanning various research initiatives, this site presents a vast array of reports from different collaborative projects and expert-led programs. Each subgroup offers extensive publications, providing in-depth analyses and findings in fields such as technology, sustainability, and industry. These documents collectively showcase a range of innovative solutions, scientific advancements, and future-forward perspectives, serving as a comprehensive resource for those seeking detailed insights into contemporary research and development.
ACel Final Report
New cellulose-based materials respond to the growing demand for renewable materials especially in the textile and packaging markets. The Advanced Cellulose to Novel Products (ACel) research program provided methods for processing cellulose into new materials and utilizing these materials in novel products.

ARVI Final Report
Sustainable material recycling requires superior technology and a clear assessment of the larger picture – circular economy. The research program Material Value Chains strengthened these both.
BEST Final Report
Experts from energy and forest industries joined forces in the Sustainable Bioenergy Solutions for Tomorrow (BEST) research program. Results from the program will help improve the competitiveness of bioenergy, and the realization of new sustainable business such as large institutional investments.

CCSP Final Report
CLIC Innovation Oy’s Carbon Capture and Storage R&D program (CCSP) was initiated for strengthening the position of Finnish industry and research organisa-tions in the CCS technology field, aiming for a leading position in certain select-ed fields of CCS. The objective for CCSP was to develop CCS-related technolo-gies and concepts, leading to essential pilots and demonstrations by the end of the program. A further objective was to create a strong scientific basis for the development of CCS technology, concepts and frameworks, and to establish active, international CCS co-operation.
EFEU Final Report
Capturing system level energy efficiency potential
Finnish companies and research institutes joined forces in developing next generation energy efficient energy delivery systems and industrial process systems in the multidisciplinary research program Efficient Energy Use in 2012 – 2016.

FLEXe Final Report
FLEXe has been a consortium in Finland gathering 27 organisations covering the entire value network of energy systems. The aim has been to create novel technological and business concepts enhancing the radical transition from the current energy systems towards sustainable systems. FLEXe combines smartness, flexibility, environmental performance and economic success with customer acceptance and engagement.
The research in FLEXe was funded by the companies, research organisations and Tekes Finnish funding agency for innovations during 2015 – 2016.
MMEA Final Report
Obtaining and utilizing environmental data
Finnish companies and research institutions developed the collecting and utilization of environmental data in a multidisciplinary research program Measurement, Monitoring and Environmental Efficiency Assessment in 2010-2015.

SGEM Final Report
Smart Grid Research Creates a Basis For an Energy System of The Future
Finnish companies and research institutes have been developing an energy system of the future in the multidisciplinary research program Smart Grids and Energy Markets.
At its simplest, a smart grid means automation that improves the reliability and profitability of electricity grids.