About EFEU

Capturing system level energy efficiency potential

Finnish companies and research institutes joined forces in developing next generation energy efficient energy delivery systems and industrial process systems in the multidisciplinary research program Efficient Energy Use in 2012 – 2016.

Energy efficiency is considered as the first fuel and primary resource in climate change mitigation. Improving efficiency reduces the amount lost, and thus energy efficiency can be seen as a hidden fuel that is there already today. International Energy Agency IEA has recently estimated that almost 40% of the required CO2 emission savings required to limit global warming below 2 degrees by 2050, can be achieved by improving end use energy efficiency.

Energy efficiency can also be seen as a competitive advantage for companies. Improved energy efficiency does not only reduce the energy bill, but can yield to other positive effects ranging from health to occupational safety. It is easy to see the correlation between improved energy efficiency and reduced air pollution in a car with lower fuel consumption. Improved energy efficiency in process equipment yields lesser amount of heat generated, less vibration, less wear and tear and possibly safer working environment to equipment operators.

Efficient Energy Use research program focused energy efficiency on system level. System level approach allows greater possibilities efficiency gains and minimizes the risk of sub-optimization. On the other hand, system level approach requires that each individual component in the system is included in the process. Otherwise there is great a risk that system level energy efficiency potential will not be fully achieved.

The program developed scientific and technological basis for developing next generation energy efficient systems for energy delivery and industrial mixing and pumping systems. The ultimate goal of the research program was to establish multidisciplinary energy efficiency competence platform in Finland.

An extensive set of methods for energy efficiency assessment, design and control were developed. These methods were demonstrated in designing modern gas delivery logistics and developing energy efficient control strategies for modern district heating network, in which individual users may both take and feed heat from and to the network.

Scientific and technological basis for developing next generation energy efficient pump and mixer systems was developed in collaboration between equipment suppliers and universities. Systems were developed by combining novel pump and mixer geometries with energy efficient control strategies. A conceptual design for the next generation integrated pump-motor device was developed.

The research programme was included in CLEEN Ltd’s project portfolio. CLEEN was one of the Strategic Centres for Science, Technology and Innovation (SHOK) for companies and research institutions in the energy and environmental sector in 2008–2015. In September 2015, CLEEN and the Finnish Bioeconomy Cluster (FIBIC) merged to form CLIC Innovation Ltd.

The program is known by the name EFEU, Efficient Energy Use. Its total value was EUR 11 million, of which the companies paid 42 per cent, public research institutes 9 per cent and Tekes the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation 49 per cent. The program started in late 2011 and it will end in December 2016.