A Word from the Participants
Extensive challenges, extensive solutions
”We need to better understand our own role in comprehensive challenges regarding the environment. At Vaisala we concentrate on observing weather phenomena, but it is also important for us to know how weather phenomena influence for example air and water quality or for example energy production.
The research program Measurement, Monitoring and Environmental Efficiency Assessment brought together an exceptionally broad group of research institutions and companies from the entire value chain of environmental information. The versatile cooperation helped us develop our skills as weather measurement solution providers and we gained new ability to move forward in the value chain towards decision making systems relating to measurements. We also had a chance to experiment new things, which we would have had a much higher threshold for trying without collaborative partners and outside financing.
Together we increased the field’s competence in Finland. Vaisala conducts the majority of its research and development work in Finland, although most of our clients are from abroad. We naturally collaborate with foreign research institutes as well and we made use of our contacts also in this research program. ” Ilkka Mannonen

Ilkka Mannonen
Head of Weather Offering, CTO Vaisala Plc

Juha Kaartinen
CEO Pegasor Ltd
Visibility on new markets
”The research program Measurement, Monitoring and Environmental Efficiency Assessment offered an easily manageable way to combine the strengths of many research institutions and companies. At Pegasor we were able to add to our own competence and gain visibility that we would not have been able to achieve without pilots conducted together with partners and events organized by CLEEN.
Through the research program we ended up moving our focus area from automobile emission measurements to air quality monitoring in cities. In addition to measurement instruments we now also offer broad systems which include parts developed by our partners. The close research cooperation has thus led to close commercial collaboration.
Due to this shift in focus, a new market area has opened for us, China, from where we expect a turnover of some tens of millions within the few next years. Now our turnover is around two million. After the research program it is easy to state that the collaboration produced more than the sum of its parts.” Juha Kaartinen