Avainasana: CCSP
Assessing the sustainability of CCS technologies in Finland – Highlighting future potential, uncertainties and challenges for technology implementation
Assessing the sustainability of CCS technologies in Finland – Highlighting future potential, uncertainties and challenges for technology implementation
Identification of best options for CO2 utilisation for biorefineries (Vesa Arpiainen, Ilkka Hannula / VTT – Comment: Mari Tuomaala / Gasum)
Identification of best options for CO2 utilisation for biorefineries (Vesa Arpiainen, Ilkka Hannula / VTT – Comment: Mari Tuomaala / Gasum)
CCSP & NORDICCS Joint seminar & workshop 2013 summary
CCSP & NORDICCS Joint seminar & workshop 2013 summary
Assessing the sustainability of CCS technologies in Finland – Highlighting future potential, uncertainties and challenges for technology implementation
Assessing the sustainability of CCS technologies in Finland – Highlighting future potential, uncertainties and challenges for technology implementation