Avainasana: Load control
Home Energy Management System in Enabling Power Based Network Tariff
Home Energy Management System in Enabling Power Based Network Tariff
CI/DDM approaches for analysing and modelling loads using smart metering data and other data – summary of activities
CI/DDM approaches for analysing and modelling loads using smart metering data and other data – summary of activities
The role and business potential of customer load control in an electricity retailer’s short-term profit optimization
The role and business potential of customer load control in an electricity retailer’s short-term profit optimization
Kysynnänjouston potentiaali ja vaikutukset jakeluverkkoyhtiölle – The potential and effects of demand response on a distribution system operator
Kysynnänjouston potentiaali ja vaikutukset jakeluverkkoyhtiölle – The potential and effects of demand response on a distribution system operator
A general investigation about how to divide DR benefits between DSO and markets
A general investigation about how to divide DR benefits between DSO and markets