Avainasana: Smart grids
CLEEN SGEM loppuraportti Älykas sähköverkko vaatii uutta teknologiaa
CLEEN SGEM loppuraportti Älykas sähköverkko vaatii uutta teknologiaa
Evaluation of Long Term Evolution and IEEE 802.15.4k for Suburban Energy Smart Metering
Evaluation of Long Term Evolution and IEEE 802.15.4k for Suburban Energy Smart Metering
Evolution Phases for Low Voltage Distribution Network Management
Evolution Phases for Low Voltage Distribution Network Management
New Multi-criteria-based Algorithm for Islanding Detection in Smart Grids
New Multi-criteria-based Algorithm for Islanding Detection in Smart Grids
Kysynnänjouston potentiaali ja vaikutukset jakeluverkkoyhtiölle – The potential and effects of demand response on a distribution system operator
Kysynnänjouston potentiaali ja vaikutukset jakeluverkkoyhtiölle – The potential and effects of demand response on a distribution system operator
Impacts of Energy Efficiency on Electricity Distribution Business: Methodology and Analysis
Impacts of Energy Efficiency on Electricity Distribution Business: Methodology and Analysis
Synchronized Re-Connection of Island Operated LV Microgrid Back to Utility Grid
Synchronized Re-Connection of Island Operated LV Microgrid Back to Utility Grid
Community Microgrid- A Building Block of Finnish Smart Grid
Community Microgrid- A Building Block of Finnish Smart Grid