Lähde: arvi
Municipal Solid Waste Management in Hangzhou, China
Municipal Solid Waste Management in Hangzhou, China
Factors influencing GWP, AP and EP in assessing waste management systems through a LCA approach
Factors influencing GWP, AP and EP in assessing waste management systems through a LCA approach
Detergent impurity effect on recycled HDPE: Properties after repetitive processing
Detergent impurity effect on recycled HDPE: Properties after repetitive processing
Thermodynamic modeling of ash formation in combustion of SRF and the influence of chlorine and sulfur on the ash chemistry
Thermodynamic modeling of ash formation in combustion of SRF and the influence of chlorine and sulfur on the ash chemistry
The fate of cobalt, copper, and antimony during combustion of waste wood (A thermodynamic equilibrium study)
The fate of cobalt, copper, and antimony during combustion of waste wood (A thermodynamic equilibrium study)
Functional Polyethylene as a Compatibilizer in Blends of Recycled Polyethylenes and Polyamides
Functional Polyethylene as a Compatibilizer in Blends of Recycled Polyethylenes and Polyamides
Recovery and separation technologies for selected elements and ashes – Report on experimental work
Recovery and separation technologies for selected elements and ashes – Report on experimental work
Applicability of XRF and LIBS technologies for on-line characterisation of ashes
Applicability of XRF and LIBS technologies for on-line characterisation of ashes