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Terminaalit tuovat tehokkuutta bioenergian raaka-ainetoimituksiin
Terminaalit tuovat tehokkuutta bioenergian raaka-ainetoimituksiin
GHG impacts related to forest bioenergy: Case Joutseno
GHG impacts related to forest bioenergy: Case Joutseno
Finnish-Indian partnerships for strengthening research cooperation and developing research methodology (NETWORKING)
Finnish-Indian partnerships for strengthening research cooperation and developing research methodology (NETWORKING)
Assessing and solving sustainability issues of agribiomass chains: Final results of sustainability assessment
Assessing and solving sustainability issues of agribiomass chains: Final results of sustainability assessment
Consumer views and their effects on bioenergy futures in different countries
Consumer views and their effects on bioenergy futures in different countries
Occupational hygiene measurements at power plant sites
Occupational hygiene measurements at power plant sites
Analysis of future city energy systems based on official strategies and policies_the role of bioenergy
Analysis of future city energy systems based on official strategies and policies_the role of bioenergy