Lähde: best
Business opportunities and challenges in new markets
Business opportunities and challenges in new markets
Improving the Biomass Supply Chain Through ICT Solutions
Improving the Biomass Supply Chain Through ICT Solutions
(How) Can centralised waste and sanitation infrastructure be replaced with local biogas treatment and nutrient recycling? Case Tampere
(How) Can centralised waste and sanitation infrastructure be replaced with local biogas treatment and nutrient recycling? Case Tampere
Measurements in a forest-based material supply chain
Measurements in a forest-based material supply chain
Valorization of non-wood biomass – case studies with food industry side streams and municipal food waste
Valorization of non-wood biomass – case studies with food industry side streams and municipal food waste
The possible roles of different parts of the power and heat production chain in a sustainable system
The possible roles of different parts of the power and heat production chain in a sustainable system
Korjuriin asennettavan kannonnostolaitteen työnajanmenekin, kuljettajan työergonomian ja kantopuun laadun tarkastelu
Korjuriin asennettavan kannonnostolaitteen työnajanmenekin, kuljettajan työergonomian ja kantopuun laadun tarkastelu
Case studies of biomass use in power and CHP plants in India
Case studies of biomass use in power and CHP plants in India