Lähde: mmea
Vesistöjen pitoisuustietojen automaattinen mittaaminen ja laskeminen hyödyntäen MMEA Platformia
Vesistöjen pitoisuustietojen automaattinen mittaaminen ja laskeminen hyödyntäen MMEA Platformia
Fine particle studies for a pulverized coal/coal-pellet – fired power plant: boiler, stack, and flue gas plume
Fine particle studies for a pulverized coal/coal-pellet – fired power plant: boiler, stack, and flue gas plume
Monitoring of spraying in semi-dry desulfurization processes in coal fired power plants
Monitoring of spraying in semi-dry desulfurization processes in coal fired power plants
Impact of the emissions of the international sea traffic on the airborne deposition to the Baltic Sea and concentrations at the coastline Results of the INTERREG project SNOOP – Shipping-induced NOx and SOx emissions – OPerational monitoring network
Impact of the emissions of the international sea traffic on the airborne deposition to the Baltic Sea and concentrations at the coastline Results of the INTERREG project SNOOP – Shipping-induced NOx and SOx emissions – OPerational monitoring network
Model based NOx emission monitoring in natural gas fired hot water boilers
Model based NOx emission monitoring in natural gas fired hot water boilers
Modelling of NOx emissions in natural gas fired hot water boilers
Modelling of NOx emissions in natural gas fired hot water boilers
Earth observation product distribution using standard interfaces
Earth observation product distribution using standard interfaces
Luotettavaa joen kuormitustietoa maastosta käyttöön
Luotettavaa joen kuormitustietoa maastosta käyttöön