Lähde: mmea
Seasonal and diurnal variations of fluorescent bioaerosol concentration and size distribution in the urban environment
Seasonal and diurnal variations of fluorescent bioaerosol concentration and size distribution in the urban environment
Predictive Emission Monitoring Systems, PEMS and their acceptance and use in Europe
Predictive Emission Monitoring Systems, PEMS and their acceptance and use in Europe
Characterisation of the produced particles by the IndMeas industrial flow calibration device – filter collection experiments with active tracer particles
Characterisation of the produced particles by the IndMeas industrial flow calibration device – filter collection experiments with active tracer particles
Metsien hyönteistuhojen kartoitus käyttäen hyperspektrisiä ilmakuvia
Metsien hyönteistuhojen kartoitus käyttäen hyperspektrisiä ilmakuvia
Net environmental impacts of low-share wood pellet co-combustion in an existing coal-fired CHP (combined heat and power) production in Helsinki, Finland
Net environmental impacts of low-share wood pellet co-combustion in an existing coal-fired CHP (combined heat and power) production in Helsinki, Finland
Online monitoring of flue gas emissions in power plants having multiple fuels
Online monitoring of flue gas emissions in power plants having multiple fuels
EU Emission Trading Related CO2 Monitoring in Power Plants
EU Emission Trading Related CO2 Monitoring in Power Plants
The applicability of the renewable energy directive calculation to assess the sustainability of biogas production
The applicability of the renewable energy directive calculation to assess the sustainability of biogas production
Transition of future energy supply in Helsinki: the case of LCA application in strategy planning.
Transition of future energy supply in Helsinki: the case of LCA application in strategy planning.