Lähde: mmea
Flocculation of municipal wastewaters with anionic nanocelluloses: Influence of nanocellulose characteristics on floc morphology and strength
Flocculation of municipal wastewaters with anionic nanocelluloses: Influence of nanocellulose characteristics on floc morphology and strength
On-line optical monitoring of activated sludge floc morphology
On-line optical monitoring of activated sludge floc morphology
New application for bipolar charge measurement system
New application for bipolar charge measurement system
Airborne measurements of aerosol particles and greenhouse gases in Southern Finland
Airborne measurements of aerosol particles and greenhouse gases in Southern Finland
Real-time measurements of bioaerosols in urban environment
Real-time measurements of bioaerosols in urban environment
Monitoring urban air quality with a diffusion charger based electrical
Monitoring urban air quality with a diffusion charger based electrical
Particle surface area size distributions in different urban areas
Particle surface area size distributions in different urban areas
Emissions from the combustion of coal and mixture of coal and wood pellets – individual particle analysis by TEM/EDX electron microscopy
Emissions from the combustion of coal and mixture of coal and wood pellets – individual particle analysis by TEM/EDX electron microscopy
Source identification of fine particle emissions in urban air by mobile measurements
Source identification of fine particle emissions in urban air by mobile measurements