Lähde: sgem
New business and process development opportunities in meter data
New business and process development opportunities in meter data
CI/DDM approaches for analyzing and modeling loads using metering data from pilot houses and other data – Report 1
CI/DDM approaches for analyzing and modeling loads using metering data from pilot houses and other data – Report 1
Development opportunities for smart metering services in private customer interface
Development opportunities for smart metering services in private customer interface
Regional load modeling web application based on ArcGIS server, Matlab and Silverlight
Regional load modeling web application based on ArcGIS server, Matlab and Silverlight
D6.1.1: Consolidated communication requirement descriptions
D6.1.1: Consolidated communication requirement descriptions
Significance of electricity and Smart Grids – Underground Cabling
Significance of electricity and Smart Grids – Underground Cabling
Survey of Smart Grid concepts and demonstrations, Smart substation
Survey of Smart Grid concepts and demonstrations, Smart substation