Osio: Applications: Air quality
Chemical and Source Characterization of Submicron Particles at Residential and Traffic Sites in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area, Finland
Chemical and Source Characterization of Submicron Particles at Residential and Traffic Sites in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area, Finland
Fine particle studies for a pulverized coal/coal-pellet – fired power plant: boiler, stack, and flue gas plume
Fine particle studies for a pulverized coal/coal-pellet – fired power plant: boiler, stack, and flue gas plume
Seasonal and diurnal variations of fluorescent bioaerosol concentration and size distribution in the urban environment
Seasonal and diurnal variations of fluorescent bioaerosol concentration and size distribution in the urban environment
Predictive Emission Monitoring Systems, PEMS and their acceptance and use in Europe
Predictive Emission Monitoring Systems, PEMS and their acceptance and use in Europe
Optical and Chemical Characterization of Aerosols Emitted from Coal, Heavy and Light Fuel Oil, and Small-Scale Wood Combustion
Optical and Chemical Characterization of Aerosols Emitted from Coal, Heavy and Light Fuel Oil, and Small-Scale Wood Combustion
Wintertime Aerosol Chemistry in Sub-Arctic Urban Air
Wintertime Aerosol Chemistry in Sub-Arctic Urban Air
Mobile Particle and NOx Emission Characterization at Helsinki Downtown: Comparison of Different Traffic Flow Areas
Mobile Particle and NOx Emission Characterization at Helsinki Downtown: Comparison of Different Traffic Flow Areas
Evaluation of the performance of a particle concentrator for online instrumentation
Evaluation of the performance of a particle concentrator for online instrumentation