Osio: Applications: Air quality
Alipaineimpaktorin kalibrointi laajalla hiukkaskokoalueella
Alipaineimpaktorin kalibrointi laajalla hiukkaskokoalueella
High speed OBD sensor tests at Wärtsilä engine laboratory
High speed OBD sensor tests at Wärtsilä engine laboratory
First comprehensive inter-comparison of aerosol electrometers for particle sizes up to 200 nm and concentration range 1000 cm−3 to 17 000 cm−3
First comprehensive inter-comparison of aerosol electrometers for particle sizes up to 200 nm and concentration range 1000 cm−3 to 17 000 cm−3
Optical and chemical characterization of aerosols emitted from coal, heavy and light fuel oil and small-scale wood combustion
Optical and chemical characterization of aerosols emitted from coal, heavy and light fuel oil and small-scale wood combustion
Evaluation of novel soot sensors for periodic emission control
Evaluation of novel soot sensors for periodic emission control
Hiukkaspitoisuuden kalibrointilaitteistot puntarissa
Hiukkaspitoisuuden kalibrointilaitteistot puntarissa
Vehicle engines produce metallic exhaust nanoparticles even when not fuelled
Vehicle engines produce metallic exhaust nanoparticles even when not fuelled
Physical Characteristics of Fine Particles Emitted from an Oil-Fired Heating Plant
Physical Characteristics of Fine Particles Emitted from an Oil-Fired Heating Plant
Emission inventory of black carbon for the Helsinki Metropolitan Area in 2010
Emission inventory of black carbon for the Helsinki Metropolitan Area in 2010
Spatial and temporal characterization of traffic emissions Atmospheric Environment
Spatial and temporal characterization of traffic emissions Atmospheric Environment