Osio: Data management: Data sources
Long-term energy flux measurements and energy balance over a small boreal lake using eddy covariance technique
Long-term energy flux measurements and energy balance over a small boreal lake using eddy covariance technique
Does canopy mean nitrogen concentration explain variation in canopy light use efficiency across 14 contrasting forest sites?
Does canopy mean nitrogen concentration explain variation in canopy light use efficiency across 14 contrasting forest sites?
Physiology of the seasonal relationship between the photochemical reflectance index and photosynthetic light use efficiency
Physiology of the seasonal relationship between the photochemical reflectance index and photosynthetic light use efficiency
Accumulation of low oxygen water in deep waters of ice-covered lakes cooled below 4 oC
Accumulation of low oxygen water in deep waters of ice-covered lakes cooled below 4 oC
Acquisition and Representation of Knowledge for Atmospheric New Particle Formation
Acquisition and Representation of Knowledge for Atmospheric New Particle Formation
Soil carbon model alternatives for ECHAM5/JSBACH climate model: Evaluation and impacts on global carbon cycle estimates
Soil carbon model alternatives for ECHAM5/JSBACH climate model: Evaluation and impacts on global carbon cycle estimates
Autumn temperature and carbon balance of a boreal Scots pine forest in Southern Finland
Autumn temperature and carbon balance of a boreal Scots pine forest in Southern Finland
Modeling seasonal course of carbon fluxes and evapotranspiration in response to low temperature and moisture in a boreal Scots pine ecosystem
Modeling seasonal course of carbon fluxes and evapotranspiration in response to low temperature and moisture in a boreal Scots pine ecosystem
The role of air and soil temperature in the seasonality of photosynthesis and transpiration in a boreal Scots pine ecosystem
The role of air and soil temperature in the seasonality of photosynthesis and transpiration in a boreal Scots pine ecosystem
Canopy processes, fluxes and microclimate in a pine forest
Canopy processes, fluxes and microclimate in a pine forest