Osio: Data management: Data sources
Terrestrial biogeochemical feedbacks in the climate system
Terrestrial biogeochemical feedbacks in the climate system
Availability, accessibility, quality and comparability of monitoring data for European forests for use in air pollution and climate change science.
Availability, accessibility, quality and comparability of monitoring data for European forests for use in air pollution and climate change science.
Towards a transnational system of supersites for forest monitoring and research in Europe – an overview on present state and future recommendations.
Towards a transnational system of supersites for forest monitoring and research in Europe – an overview on present state and future recommendations.
Long-term CO2 flux measurements over a boreal lake: Five years of eddy covariance data.
Long-term CO2 flux measurements over a boreal lake: Five years of eddy covariance data.
Photosynthesis of ground vegetation in different aged pine forests: Effect of environmental factors predicted with a process-based model.
Photosynthesis of ground vegetation in different aged pine forests: Effect of environmental factors predicted with a process-based model.
Seasonal variation in boreal pine forest albedo and effects of canopy snow on forest reflectance
Seasonal variation in boreal pine forest albedo and effects of canopy snow on forest reflectance
A source-orientated approach for estimating daytime concentrations of biogenic volatile organic compounds in an upper layer of a boreal forest canopy
A source-orientated approach for estimating daytime concentrations of biogenic volatile organic compounds in an upper layer of a boreal forest canopy
The influence of ice season on the physical and ecological conditions in Lake Vanajanselkä, southern Finland
The influence of ice season on the physical and ecological conditions in Lake Vanajanselkä, southern Finland
Canopy processes, fluxes and microclimate in a pine forest
Canopy processes, fluxes and microclimate in a pine forest
EnviObserver – Participatory Sensing Tool for Environmental Monitoring
EnviObserver – Participatory Sensing Tool for Environmental Monitoring