Osio: Remote sensing: Radar
An Investigation of the Short-Term Predictability of Precipitation Using High-Resolution Composite Radar Observations
An Investigation of the Short-Term Predictability of Precipitation Using High-Resolution Composite Radar Observations
Radar backscattering from snowflakes: comparison of fractal, aggregate, and soft-spheroid models
Radar backscattering from snowflakes: comparison of fractal, aggregate, and soft-spheroid models
Linking snowflake microstructure to multi-frequency radar observations
Linking snowflake microstructure to multi-frequency radar observations
Pest Insect Immigration Warning by an Atmospheric Dispersion Model, Weather Radars and Traps
Pest Insect Immigration Warning by an Atmospheric Dispersion Model, Weather Radars and Traps
Classification and Quantification of Snow Based on Spatial Variability of Radar Reflectivity
Classification and Quantification of Snow Based on Spatial Variability of Radar Reflectivity
Recent advances in classification of observations from dual polarization weather radars
Recent advances in classification of observations from dual polarization weather radars
Wideband Waveform Design Principles for Solid-State Weather Radars
Wideband Waveform Design Principles for Solid-State Weather Radars
Simulating Radar Observations of Precipitation at Higher Frequencies from Lower-Frequency Polarimetric Measurements
Simulating Radar Observations of Precipitation at Higher Frequencies from Lower-Frequency Polarimetric Measurements
Simultaneous Observations and Analysis of Severe Storms Using Polarimetric X-Band SAR and Ground-Based Weather Radar
Simultaneous Observations and Analysis of Severe Storms Using Polarimetric X-Band SAR and Ground-Based Weather Radar