Osio: Sensors: Online/high performance monitoring
Emissions from the combustion of coal and mixture of coal and wood pellets – individual particle analysis by TEM/EDX electron microscopy
Emissions from the combustion of coal and mixture of coal and wood pellets – individual particle analysis by TEM/EDX electron microscopy
Source identification of fine particle emissions in urban air by mobile measurements
Source identification of fine particle emissions in urban air by mobile measurements
Chemical composition and size of particles in emissions of a coal-fired power plant with flue gas desulfurization
Chemical composition and size of particles in emissions of a coal-fired power plant with flue gas desulfurization
Bipolar Charge Analyzer (BOLAR): A new aerosol instrument for bipolar charge measurements
Bipolar Charge Analyzer (BOLAR): A new aerosol instrument for bipolar charge measurements
Kiinteiden kerran varattujen aerosolihiukkasten generointi laajalla hiukkaskokoalueella
Kiinteiden kerran varattujen aerosolihiukkasten generointi laajalla hiukkaskokoalueella
Emissions from CCS technologies and their measurement
Emissions from CCS technologies and their measurement
Yhteenvetoraportti Agnico-Eagle Finland Oy:n rikastamon pesuripäästöjen mittauksista
Yhteenvetoraportti Agnico-Eagle Finland Oy:n rikastamon pesuripäästöjen mittauksista