Osio: Supply chain design and management
Energy Biomass Supply Chain Concepts Including Terminals WP3 Final Report
Energy Biomass Supply Chain Concepts Including Terminals WP3 Final Report
Energy Biomass Supply Chain Concepts Including Terminals 2nd Edition
Energy Biomass Supply Chain Concepts Including Terminals 2nd Edition
Effective biomass handling – predicting models and fast track supply
Effective biomass handling – predicting models and fast track supply
Hakkuutähteen fast track -hankinnan kannattavuus ja mahdollisuudet
Hakkuutähteen fast track -hankinnan kannattavuus ja mahdollisuudet
Kantoenergian laadun parantaminen esimurskauksella ja seulonnalla
Kantoenergian laadun parantaminen esimurskauksella ja seulonnalla
Operation economy of CHP plants using forest biomass and peat
Operation economy of CHP plants using forest biomass and peat
Predicting moisture and economic value of solid forest fuel piles for improving the profitability of bioenergy use
Predicting moisture and economic value of solid forest fuel piles for improving the profitability of bioenergy use
Process redesign in development of forest biomass supply for energy
Process redesign in development of forest biomass supply for energy
The importance of dry matter loss and capital costs in energy wood supply chain
The importance of dry matter loss and capital costs in energy wood supply chain