Osio: Thermoformable
Kartongin fysikaalisten ominaisuuksien vaikutus muovautuvuuteen
Kartongin fysikaalisten ominaisuuksien vaikutus muovautuvuuteen
Press forming of paperboard – advancement of converting tools and process control
Press forming of paperboard – advancement of converting tools and process control
Advanced Structures and Compositions for 3D Forming of Cellulosic Fibers
Advanced Structures and Compositions for 3D Forming of Cellulosic Fibers
Coupling of PLA and bleached softwood kraft pulp for enhanced properties of biocomposites
Coupling of PLA and bleached softwood kraft pulp for enhanced properties of biocomposites
Converting of thermoformable materials and characterization of formed objects
Converting of thermoformable materials and characterization of formed objects
Effect of mechanical treatment on the straining behavior of single softwood pulp fibers. Deformation and damage mechanisms of wood-fibre network materials and structures.
Effect of mechanical treatment on the straining behavior of single softwood pulp fibers. Deformation and damage mechanisms of wood-fibre network materials and structures.
Effect of ambient conditions on dimensional stability and stiffness of commercial paperboard and paperboard trays
Effect of ambient conditions on dimensional stability and stiffness of commercial paperboard and paperboard trays
Measurement of Thermoplastic Properties of Packaging Materials
Measurement of Thermoplastic Properties of Packaging Materials