Osio: #Urban bioenergy
Kyselytutkimus infran toimimisesta kiertotaloudessa: Voiko paikallinen kierto korvata keskitettyä jäte(vesi)infraa?
Kyselytutkimus infran toimimisesta kiertotaloudessa: Voiko paikallinen kierto korvata keskitettyä jäte(vesi)infraa?
Replacing centralised waste and sanitation infrastructure with local treatment and nutrient recycling: Expert opinions in the context of urban planning
Replacing centralised waste and sanitation infrastructure with local treatment and nutrient recycling: Expert opinions in the context of urban planning
Valorization of non-wood biomass – case studies with food industry side streams and municipal food waste
Valorization of non-wood biomass – case studies with food industry side streams and municipal food waste
(How) Can centralised waste and sanitation infrastructure be replaced with local biogas treatment and nutrient recycling? Case Tampere
(How) Can centralised waste and sanitation infrastructure be replaced with local biogas treatment and nutrient recycling? Case Tampere
Resource recovery via distributed biogas production
Resource recovery via distributed biogas production
Rural biogas – feasibility and role in the Finnish energy system
Rural biogas – feasibility and role in the Finnish energy system
Plan for bioenergy and biomaterial loops in the future cities
Plan for bioenergy and biomaterial loops in the future cities
Plan for bioenergy and biomaterial loops in the future Indian cities
Plan for bioenergy and biomaterial loops in the future Indian cities