Tyyppi: Publication – Other
Full-power converter based test bench for low voltage ride-through testing of wind turbine converters
Full-power converter based test bench for low voltage ride-through testing of wind turbine converters
D 6.3.1 Feasibility study on potential applications of new MEMS sensor
D 6.3.1 Feasibility study on potential applications of new MEMS sensor
1st proof of concept demonstrator of line fault detector
1st proof of concept demonstrator of line fault detector
Functioning of the electricity market in Finland – Customer’s point of view
Functioning of the electricity market in Finland – Customer’s point of view
Conclusions After One Year: Field Force Management Systems and Management Practices for Maintenance of Smart Grid
Conclusions After One Year: Field Force Management Systems and Management Practices for Maintenance of Smart Grid
Tietojärjestelmä ohjaa sanojen kierrätystä. (Information service guides recycling of words)
Tietojärjestelmä ohjaa sanojen kierrätystä. (Information service guides recycling of words)
Biojätteen punnitustieto jyvittää kustannuksia (Weigh-in information of biowaste values cost)
Biojätteen punnitustieto jyvittää kustannuksia (Weigh-in information of biowaste values cost)
Sekajätteen kertymät näkyvät kartalla. (Volumes of mixed waste will been seen on maps)
Sekajätteen kertymät näkyvät kartalla. (Volumes of mixed waste will been seen on maps)
Saneerauksen onnistuminen Heimosillan jätevedenpumppaamolla
Saneerauksen onnistuminen Heimosillan jätevedenpumppaamolla